Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter
Pay Local & International Dues
Below is the dues information for our local Indianapolis alumnae chapter, from our constitution, which passed at the annual business meeting on March 7th, 2014.
You have the option of paying your local dues together with your international dues, or you can pay them separately. If you have any questions about dues payment, please contact us at
International & Local Alumnae Dues $55.00 USD
Local Alumnae Dues Only $20.00 USD
Article VII - Dues
Section 1
The annual local dues shall be $20. If a member chooses to, she can pay $35 for International dues plus local dues, for a total sum of $55. All Founders’ Day Pennies are collected by the Alpha Phi Executive Office and are not solicited for by the alumnae chapter. Dues are payable by August 31 of each year and offer membership in good standing from September 1 to August 31 of each year.
Section 2
Members of the chapter who have not paid their dues for two (2) years shall be excluded from holding office, voting, or having a voice in procedures of the chapter, or participating in events paid for by the chapter, unless excused from payment of dues by the chapter.